The Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) exists to work in concert with the school administration and board to actively promote the spiritual and educational development of the students through both intra and extra-curricular activities.
PTF exists as an intermediary between the school administration/board and parents, giving voice to parents concerns and a platform to participate in addressing them.

We understand the difficulties in balancing work, life, family, and even church responsibilities. PTF serves as a mutual support group for parents and teachers alike who have a common interest in the Christian education of their children, and yet are striving to maintain Christian values in every other area of their lives.
At MCS, we understand the value of an education from a Christian worldview, and the PTF is designed to facilitate a growing appreciation of the purpose and nature of Christian education by engaging parents and teachers alike in regular dialogue all in an effort improve academics, student learning experience, and parent satisfaction.
Perhaps most importantly, the Parent-Teacher Fellowship actively engages our school community in fundraising efforts for the sole purpose of raising money to be used for improving school facilities and services.
PTF meetings are open to all parents who currently have students enrolled. If you are parent of a child enrolled at our school and are interested in joining PTF meetings, or serving in an official capacity in the fellowship itself, feel free to contact our office for more information.